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電話: 07-5551718   0921-237888
結帳方式:信用卡 / ATM / 貨到付款
放入購物車 購物車清單
重量 約5KG(僅主機)

操作溫度 -20°C 至 +45°C (-4°F - +113°F)

儲存溫度 -20°C 至 +60°C (-4°F - +140°F)

電源需求 240 V AC,1.4 A(最大),
180 V DC,1.0 A(最大),
12 V DC,7 A(最大)
裝置 3片三分之二英寸型CMOS

光譜系統 F1.4棱鏡系統

靈敏度 F8.0(2000 lx,89.9%反射率)

內置過濾器 ND:1. 清除,2. 1/4ND,3. 1/8ND,4. 1/16ND,5. 1/64ND
CC:A:CROSS,B:3200K ,C:4300K,D:6300K

信噪比(1080i的,典型) -62分貝(HD/59.94I)

水平清晰度 2000電視線(中鋒)在4K,5%或更高的調製
音頻輸入(CH1,CH2) XLR-3pin(母)(各X1)
FOR MIC:-60 DBU ( 可以使用MENU或從HDCU2000/2500被設置為一個值最多-20 DBU)

麥克風輸入 XLR-3pin(母)(X1)
返回控制輸入 6pin(×1)

提詞器/同步鎖相 BNC(X1),1.0 Vp-p的,75Ω

提詞器2 BNC(X1),1.0 Vp-p的,75Ω

直流輸入 4pin(X1),直流10.5〜17 V DC(最大)
(X1),DC 10.5〜17 V DC(最大)

測試輸出 BNC(X1)
SDI輸出 (1,2) BNC(X1)

起重機 12pin(X1)

取景器 20pin(X1)

BPU 光電多功能接口(X1)

跟蹤 10pin(X1)

遠程 8pin(X1)

透鏡 12pin(×1)

Direct installation of B4-mount lenses

Thanks to the 2/3-inch camera mount, the HDC-4300 works directly with B4 lenses. The B4-mount supports both HD and 4K lenses, allowing you to use B4-mount high power large lenses to capture sports scenes with a deep depth of field.

Superb 4K capability with wide dynamic range and wide color space 

With optional software the HDC-4300 has the function of capturing 4K images. For the HDC-4300, Sony has brought together its leading-edge technologies and deep experience to design and build the world’s first three 2/3-inch 4K imagers with ultra-precision alignment technology used to mount the chips to a newly developed prism. This new optical system supports the wide color gamut of ITU-R BT.2020*1, enabling more precise color reproduction in live broadcasts.
*1 ITU-R BT.2020 is the specification of video format defined by ITU-R.

High-frame-rate capture for 4K 2x and HD 8x super slow motion 

The HDC-4300’s real 4K imagers capture at four times the resolution of HD. In HD shooting, this can be used to achieve extreme high-speed image capture at a maximum of 479.52/400 fps with the optional software upgrade. The frame rates of 59.94/50, 119.88/100 and 179.82/150 fps are available as standard. In 4K shooting, a maximum of 119.88/100 fps can be achieved.The real-time full digital process is applied to each frame even at high-frame rates in the BPU-4000/BPU-4500, producing the same quality in the images as one at the normal speed. Captured images can be recorded to the PWS-4400 or the PWS-4500 4K/HD multi-port AV storage unit for super slow motion replay*.* Some third party manufacturer servers may also be used.For 4K 2x and HD 8x slow motion replay, the following condition is required.
